Site Speed Optimization

Fast websites create happy customers and increased business. When a site responds slowly, a user is more likely to spend less time viewing your content and is far less likely to give you their business. A website’s site speed is the first impression one can make on the internet. If your website loads fast, congratulations, you are off on the right foot. If your website takes too long to load, you have already put a bad taste in the mouth of the user.

Make sure you are getting all of the benefits you can out of your website. By increasing your site speed you have insured trust in the user entering, insured security and insured professionalism by having a clean, organized and fast website! When it comes to user experience, there is no going back. If a potential customer has to wait too long entering and maneuvering your site, you have already lost them and nearly 80% of that potential audience is not coming back.

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